The colour of our skin is made of three components – melanin, collagen, and blood vessels. When there is excess melanin, skin can become blotchy and brown spots appear.
Why the excess?
Too much sunlight (UV) can create an overproduction of melanin. Hormonal factors play a part too, with many women reporting darker skin in certain parts of their face – often referred to as “the mask of pregnancy”.
So what can you do about it?
The good news is you can take action now with 3 easy daily steps, outlined below. Or if you want to fast track the reduction in pigmentation, our Appearance Medicine Nurses can give you a consultation and advise the best treatment for you.
3 easy daily steps:
1. Every day, no matter the weather, get into the habit of using a sunscreen.
Solar radiation is essential in initiating pigmentary changes. Therefore, block the sun, and you block pigmentation. The most effective sunscreens for preventing pigmentation contain Zinc Oxide and Titanium Dioxide. Here are a few of our favourites that you can buy online right now, and start protecting yourself from further pigmentation:
· Image Prevention+ Daily Hydrating Moisturiser
· Synergie Uberzinc Moisturiser
2. In the morning use niacinamide.
Topical niacinamide has been shown to suppress the distribution of pigment from the cells where it is made, to the regular skin cells. Niacinamide is an extremely effective and gentle long-term maintenance therapy for pigmentation. A couple of our favourites:
· Aspect Dr Multi B Plus Serum
3. At night, use Vitamin A.
A Vitamin A compound called retinaldehyde helps to inhibit pigmentation, by blocking pigment–stimulating enzymes. A couple of our favourites:
· Aspect Dr Exfol A Plus Serum
Say goodbye blotchy brown spots, and hello, even skin tone. It’s up to you. But we’re here every step of the way from a cosmetic consultation with one of our appearance medicine team, to an online store available 24/7 that stocks some of the best products on the market, to creating a personalised treatment plan tailored especially for you.