about us

About Skin Institute

The experts at Skin Institute have been committed to providing you with effective treatments and procedures in the areas of skin cancer, veins, appearance medicine and dermatology for thirty years.
The experts at Skin Institute have been committed to providing you with effective treatments and procedures in the areas of skin cancer, veins, appearance medicine and dermatology for thirty years.

Why Skin Institute?

Skin Institute aims to provide New Zealanders with one place to go for all their  skin cancer, vein and appearance medicine needs. Since its inception in 1994, Skin Institute has grown into a multi-disciplinary specialist centre with 12 clinics nationwide. As your skin health partner, our team of specially trained surgeons, specialists, doctors, and nurses are dedicated to helping you take care of your skin, wherever you are on your journey.


Our Expert Team

Feeling confident, and looking the very best you can, are things we all aim for. Skin Institute has over twenty-nine years of experience in skincare, and we pride ourselves on keeping at the forefront of developments in cosmetic medicine. Our expert teams are helping Kiwis across the country show the world their best face – and you could be one of them.

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Clinics across NZ

Skin Institute has 12 multi-disciplinary specialist medical clinics throughout New Zealand, from Silverdale to Queenstown.

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Southern Cross Health Insurance

We are an Affiliated Provider to Southern Cross Health Insurance for contracted skin cancer and varicose vein treatments where medical necessity criteria apply. Affiliated Providers provide specified procedures at agreed prices and we can streamline the prior approval and claims processes for Southern Cross Health Insurance members. Please be aware that not all Skin Institute Doctors are Southern Cross affiliated, if you would like to use your Southern Cross Health Insurance please select one of our affiliated doctors.


What’s so great about Skin Institute’s multi-disciplinary approach is that we can offer patients the whole package – from education, to treatment, to follow up care.