Most appearance-medicine treatments involve powerful medicines and delicate procedures, so it’s important that the practitioner is qualified and experienced. While there are regulations overseeing the New Zealand industry, they don’t cover everything. It means that you still need to take care when looking for a safe, reputable practitioner. There are…
Skin Cancer is the most common cancer in New Zealand, but it’s also one of the most preventable. New Zealand has one of the highest rates of skin cancer in the world and this is not a statistic that us Kiwis should be proud of. We all know that we should use sunscreen to protect…
The colour of our skin is made of three components – melanin, collagen, and blood vessels. When there is excess melanin, skin can become blotchy and brown spots appear. Why the excess? Too much sunlight (UV) can create an overproduction of melanin. Hormonal factors play a part too, with many…
If your doctor informs you that you have a skin lesion that is cancerous and needs to be surgically removed, you’ll have many questions and a lot of information to absorb. First, you’ll want to understand how to get the best possible result for your health. You’ll want to know…
Yes, blindness is an extremely rare complication of dermal filler treatment, caused by filler inadvertently being injected into an artery and travelling to the back of the eye. It’s incredibly rare, but a single case was recently reported in NZ, with about 100 cases reported worldwide out of millions of…
Broad Spectrum, UV, UVA, UVB, UVC and SPF are all terms used when discussing sunblock creams. But what do they mean? As summer is approaching, we thought that it might be useful for us to breakdown their meanings. Ever wondered what the term 'broad spectrum' means? Ultraviolet (UV) radiation is…