Appearance Medicine

Double Chin

Having a double chin can reduce your confidence, as many people feel it can make them look overweight or older. In fact, you can be affected by a double chin and have a normal weight. Many people find no matter how much they exercise or how healthy their diet is, their double chin just won’t go away.
Having a double chin can reduce your confidence, as many people feel it can make them look overweight or older. In fact, you can be affected by a double chin and have a normal weight. Many people find no matter how much they exercise or how healthy their diet is, their double chin just won’t go away.



Submental fullness (double chin) can be caused by the following factors:

Ageing – fat distribution changes with age, despite a normal body weight. Fat under the chin can grow while other areas, like the cheeks, lose fat.

Genetics – some people inherit a predisposition to accumulate fat underneath their chin, even though their body weight is low or normal.

Weight – weight gain can also cause a double chin.

Next steps for booking a treatment…

  • Phone 0800 754 637

    The team will be able to assist you with a booking at your nearest Skin Institute clinic offering Belkyra®.


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