Belkyra® is an injectable treatment that non-surgically reduces fat under the chin, resulting in a more contoured neck profile and jawline. Belkyra® contains a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid which imitates naturally occurring deoxycholic acid.
Belkyra® is a prescription only medicine, so treatment is only available from our Skin Institute cosmetic doctors. They will customise the treatment to your individual anatomy and circumstances.
Belkyra® is injected into the fat under your chin to contour your jawline and reduce your double chin.
You will need at least two treatments spaced eight weeks apart. Most people need three to four treatments. You may require up to six treatments. Although the reduction in fat cells is irreversible, the appearance of your double chin area may be affected over time by skin ageing, weight changes and sun exposure.
It’s suitable for moderate to severe double chins caused by fat accumulation from genes, ageing or weight gain.
Other causes of a double chin, such as loss of skin elasticity or muscle excess, will not respond to treatment. We’ll assess your neck area to see if your chin is suitable.
You should not have treatment if you are pregnant or breast-feeding, have active skin disorders in the area, have hepatitis, chronic liver disease, HIV or known hypersensitivity to deoxycholic acid or local anaesthetic.
Caution is required in patients with a history of autoimmune disease or disease affecting the immune system.
You may feel a burning sensation for a couple of minutes during treatment as the fat cells are destroyed. We minimize any discomfort with paracetamol, ice packs and local anaesthetic.
Immediately after, you will notice your double chin area is pink and swollen to approximately twice the size. Swelling usually peaks 48 hours after treatment and can last up to two weeks.
Small bruises and acne-like skin eruptions lasting a few days may occur which can be covered with make-up. The area then becomes firm and may feel lumpy, numb and wobbly. This resolves over six to eight weeks but can persist for up to twelve weeks.
Rare complications include infection or allergy requiring treatment with medication, temporary nerve damage causing an asymmetric smile that could last weeks to months, swallowing difficulties, damage to deeper structures and scarring due to tissue necrosis.
The art of cosmetic medicine is not an exact science. There is a possibility of under or over correction or asymmetry and additional treatments may be required to improve your outcome.
If it is the first time you are seeing us for appearance medicine treatments, or it has been more than 12 months since your last visit, you are required to book a cosmetic consultation with one of our Appearance Medicine Doctors. See more about cosmetic consultations here.
Our Appearance Medicine Doctors will guide you through a comprehensive 45-minute cosmetic consultation, to understand your individual needs and desires.
Sometimes only one type of treatment may be recommended, or we may suggest a combination of treatments to achieve the skin improvement you are looking for. Either way, you will know that the advice we offer you is customised just for your needs.
Contact our team via phone or book online to arrange your appearance medicine consultation.
If it is the first time you are seeing us for appearance medicine treatments, or it has been more than 12 months since your last visit, you are required to book a cosmetic consultation with one of our Appearance Medicine Doctors. See more about cosmetic consultations here.
Our Appearance Medicine Doctors will guide you through a comprehensive 45-minute cosmetic consultation, to understand your individual needs and desires.
Sometimes only one type of treatment may be recommended, or we may suggest a combination of treatments to achieve the skin improvement you are looking for. Either way, you will know that the advice we offer you is customised just for your needs.
BELKYRA® injection is a prescription medicine containing 10mg/mL deoxycholic acid. It is used for the improvement in the appearance of moderate to severe convexity or fullness associated with fat below the jaws in adults. Do not use in people allergic to this medicine, with infection at site of injection, pregnancy, and lactation. Possible side effects include headaches, difficulty swallowing, nausea, skin tightness, hypertension, injection site bruising/pain/swelling/numbness/redness/tingling/hardness/itching/discolouration/formation of small areas of hardness/warmth and injection site nerve injury. BELKYRA® treatment is not funded on the New Zealand Pharmaceutical Schedule. You will need to pay for this medicine. Normal Doctors visit fees apply. BELKYRA® treatment should be administered only by trained medical professionals. Speak to your specialist about your own situation and about the benefits/risks of this procedure in appearance medicine. For further information, the Data Sheet and Consumer Medicines Information can be accessed at or ask your doctor. If you have any side effects or concerns speak to your doctor. Note: Results from BELKYRA® treatment usually last up to 4 years. Allergan New Zealand Limited, Auckland.